Blitz (110/213)

From:Gareth Griffiths
Date:18 May 2000 at 19:38:36
Subject:Re: Bug in Lof?

> Are you running a purely 'clean' system? In other
> words are you running without any patches/hacks etc.
> e.g. MCP, MultiCX, OxyPatcher, etc..? If not then try
> disabling them to see if that cures your problem.

Nop,e I'm running a completely clean system. I very rarely boot my Amiga
into its DOpus Magellan 2 environment ;) I seem to prefer the CLI from "Boot
with no Starup-Sequence" for some reason.

> Sometimes enabling certain caches on the '040 or '060
> can cause some programs to crash.

Yeah, that would be logical. I'll have to see if there is any difference
when I disable certain cahces.

> Try running SnoopDos and monitor all the system events
> to see if you can trace what's causing your machine to
> crash.

I've tried that, and SnoopDos doesn't register anything from wht I can tell.
I'll give it anoher shot though, 'cos SnoopDos plays up quite a lot on me
now for some unknown reason. Maybe I'll install Scout...

O hyeah, about that bubble-sort stuff... I managed to get a working sort
goung from the example you sent me, thanks ;) How simple would it be to add
a secondary sort order to t he example I have?

Catch ya later,

__/__/__/ __/__/__/ Gareth 'GazChap' Griffiths
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Stealing taglines, eh? Book him for "grand theft motto."

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